You find excuses, I take your ankle

Some time ago I was rolling with a brand new white belt who was going super hard.
In spite of the inherent idiocy of thinking a blue belt woman has not learnt how to deal with an average-weight bullrushing white belt, I tried to be a wise and friendly upper belt and after 5 minutes of dominating the poor bullrushing guy, I told him that he should have paced down a bit, just in case he didn’t like being exhausted after 2 minutes. To add authority to this I pointed out the fact that I was breathing normally while he was panting.
“but you are young”
“I am, but see” I pointed out to my bf, who had just finished his roll “he’s 40 and he’s not panting too”
“but he’s a purple belt”

WELL THEN FOR GOD’S SAKE GO ON LIKE THAT. Cool, you are fine, you know everything, there is really no reason why you are exhausted after 5 minutes of rolling with a 20-kg lighter woman, and if you don’t start BJJ at 5 years old in order to get your blue at 16 you are totally screwed.

Fact is, I hate excuses.
“I can’t lose weight, I have slow metabolism” THEN EAT LESS AND EXERCISE FOR FUCK’S SAKE
“But I hate running so much” THEN LIFT WEIGHTS, SWIM, WHATEVER
But at least shut up.

Great excuses No 964 'I was on my way to the gym when I was abducted by alliens from the planet Sanrg who took me to their ship and force fed me choc-chip ice cream.'

Nobody believes in your excuses except you. Nobody cares if you get better. Nobody wants to motivate you, unless they wanna sell you their program about being fit.
Difference between you and the person who wanna get fit without eating less and exercising, is that this person isn’t probabily bringin’ it out bright clear all the time.
But you are taking BJJ classes. Every flaw comes out like if you’re screaming you have it. So yes, people are gonna answer you some way. They can do it verbally, by giving you an advice, or – if the one above is your attitude – they can ankle, wrist, leg, arm, head lock you two thousand bazillion time per round and without saying a word about what you may be doing wrong.
And please make a wise choice, for I like ankle locks so much.

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